From The Desk of TFG1MikeStaff Blogs TFG1Mike 04.09.2021
Derrick L. Ferguson
A Friend in Podcasting Who Will Be Missed.
I just woke up to the news that Derrick L. Ferguson passed away a week ago. My heart sank into my stomach and then it jumped all the way up into my throat I am so shocked. Shocked to the point that I think I stopped breathing for a half of a minute. Over the years I had listened to many of Derrick’s podcasts that he did. I always loved hearing his thoughts on all manner of topics. The first show I’d heard him on was the long running BETTER IN THE DARK, with one of his best friends Thomas Deja. Derrick was also an accomplished author, and although I never read any of his work, I always loved hearing him talk about his writing and his process. I will hopefully read some of his books soon. In 2020 I started listening to SUPERHERO CINEPHILES, which Derrick was one half of the hosting team, the other half is Perry Constantine. I enjoyed listening to their discussions on the films that they each chose. Every time I heard his voice, and he was talking about something he enjoyed or was making a joke, I could hear the smile on his face. That’s just how I approach audio podcasts, if the hosts are excited about something, I can HEAR what I can’t see which is them smiling or laughing. Derrick’s laugh was always so full and fun.
I remember the moment almost 12 years ago, that I had put the call out on social media for needing a co-host on ToonCast Episode 017 – Talespin, Derrick was the first to respond and after that it was all gravy. We released the episode on 9-30-09. You can listen to it HERE! Derrick then said he’d want to be the co-host on the Ghost Rider episode of Movie Week In Review (MWIRE), and that was released on 11-14-09. You can take a “Ride” with us right HERE! To round out the triple shot of podcasts that Derrick and I did together is GeekCast Radio Ep 010: Nash Bridges. You can catch that classic podcast HERE! By this time in March of 2010, I was ready for Derrick and I to do a full on Nash Bridges podcast. Finally after years and years of toying with the notion… I was about to message him, and say hey, let’s do “The Cuda Cast”!!! Right as I was about to send that message, he posted on Facebook that he got the NASH BRIDGES DVD set in 2019. Sadly I didn’t have my PC at that time. Now I don’t think I could even do a Nash Cast, because without Derrick, it just wouldn’t feel right.
There are no words. Whether you knew him by his novels, his Ferguson Theater written reviews, or listening to or working with him on podcasts…. Derrick Ferguson gave all he could to the people in his life. Every. single. one. of. us…. that knew him, are better for having the light that was Derrick in our lives. I’m currently planning to craft a Best of Derrick podcast episode, that I’m calling Ferguson’s Finest.
Thank You Derrick for making all of us Better In The Light of who you were.
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From the Desk of TFG1Mike Podcast podcaster podcasting podcasts writer
About the author call_made
TFG1Mike is a geek with many interests. He has been podcasting for over a decade, and sees no stopping point in sight. From Transformers, He-Man, Batman, Comics, movies, video games, cartoons, and so much more, Mike has a zeal for the things he loves, and he will bring the hammer down on the things that he has a disdain for. He's generally a postive person, but negativity can creep in there. Mike is all about the innuendos and innuendon'ts too. You'll hear him on many of The GCRN podcasts!
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